Professional Development Blog Post #14: Entrepreneurism

I've never really thought about running my own business. I always imagined going to work and having a boss or working in a remote location but still answering to someone.

I can see the benefits and the not-so-glamorous parts of owning your own business and being your own boss.

Some cool things about owning your own business:

  1. You can set your own hours
  2. Your company can reflect your own personal values and goals
  3. You can hire anyone you want... and fire them if need be
  4. You can see the growth of your company over time
Some not so cool things about owning your own business:
  1. You could become "married" to your business and put in way more than 40 hour weeks
  2. You have to figure out how taxes work
  3. It can be really expensive to start, and some people even can go into debt
  4. Its risky, but then again, isn't everything?


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